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Monday, 21 May 2012

Sustainable Food Systems

A healthy, sustainable food system is one that focuses on  Environmental Health, Economic Vitality, and Human Health & Social Equity.

Food System Diagram

  • Environmental Health – ensures that food production and procurement do not compromise the land, air, or water now or for future generations.
  • Economic Vitality ensures that the people who are producing our food are able to earn a decent living wage doing so. This ensures that producers can continue to produce our food.
  • Human Health & Social Equity – ensures that particular importance is placed on community development and the health of the community, making sure that healthy foods are available economically and physically to the community and that people are able to access these foods in a dignified manner.

Food, Inc

Local Food Security

Lets us take good cares of our eating habits

Saturday, 19 May 2012


If you drink above the recommended limits, you may have already experienced problems, such as tiredness, gaining extra weight, getting hangovers or sometimes not being able to remember what you did the night before.
Overall, you will not be in the best of physical shape. If you continue drinking at harmful levels, you can develop more severe problems such as high blood pressure, brain damage and liver disease.
Alcohol affects judgement and the ability to control impulses; this can lead people to do things that they would not normally do sober. People can embarrass themselves or other people after drinking too much, have regretted sexual encounters or have arguments and fights.
Therefore, wo should stay away from the alcohol !




Drinking alcohol is an enjoyable part of many people’s lives – a habit that they would feel lost without. This type of habit is hard to break.
REMEMBER: Every time you stop yourself from doing something by habit, you are one step nearer to breaking the habit altogether.







This plan is all about changing your habits. Some people find it easier to change a habit if they have someone to help them. This person could be your partner / friend, or someone at work who also wants to change their habits.
Your support person should be someone you can talk to easily and be honest with, someone you can ask for advice when you need it.
If you are very worried about the effects of drinking on your health, your doctor or nurse can help you. There are also special alcohol counsellors for this reason.
Remember that FAMILY  is the best supporters. They have been always to be by our side to encourage us.


You now have a list of the hardest times for you – so you have already worked out when you are most likely to drink. Now you have to work out how to deal with those difficult situations – without a drink in your hand ...


  • Avoid going to the pub after work – perhaps arrange a different social activity, like jogging.
  • Avoid your friends who drink heavily.
  • Plan activities or tasks at those times that you usually drink.
  • When you are bored or stressed, have a physical workout or go for a walk instead of drinking.
  • Eat a meal before drinking: it will make you feel more full and then you will drink less.
  • Remind yourself that the craving for the drink will go if you occupy yourself with something else.
  • Avoid drinking in 'shouts' or 'rounds'.
  • Dilute your drink – add soda to wine and mixers to spirits.
  • Practise refusing alcoholic drinks.